Saturday, November 26, 2011

Help us send our 6th graders to Washington DC in the Spring of 2012

Sixth Grade Prize Raffle Calendar

Sixth Grade Prize Raffle Calendar

The Colrain Central School Sixth Grade is selling tickets for our February Prize Calendar. For $5.00, you get one ticket good for 29, yes 29, chances to win a fabulous prize. One prize will be raffled off each day and your name could be pulled out each and every time!!! All proceeds benefit the 6th grade class trip to Washington, D.C.

You have 29 chances to win.

(Prizes listed on calendar are for actual prizes awarded. No substitutions will be made. Prizes may be picked up at the school or arrangements can be made for delivery.)

Thanks to all who attended our

Lasagna Dinner
Friday, December 2
at Colrain Central School
 5 PM to 7 PM

Tossed Salad
Garlic Bread
Apple Crisp

Dine in Adult $7.00, Youth $4.00
Take out   Adult $8.00, Youth $5.00
Preschool and under free
Home Delivery $5.00 delivery fee    

Basket Raffle

For a drawing on December 12, choose from 5 Themed Baskets.

Or make a donation!

Special thanks to Hope & Olive Village Restuarant Buckland Pizza New Fortune Restaurant Asian Buffet Hager's Market Mothers Pine Hill Orchard Cowan Auto Parts Big Y BJ's Northfield Mt Recreation Barton Cove Agrimark Cliffe's Backyard Barbeque Genie Shearer 99 Restaurant Zoar Outdoor Big E Yankee Candle and more!!! YOUR NAME COULD BE HERE!!!

All the 6th graders and their parents are 
working hard to raise money for their trip to 
Washington DC this spring. 

Please support these efforts to provide a once in a life time learning experience

The 6th Grade hard at work at 
Shelburne Falls Moonlight Magic
with Basket Raffle and Bake sales